
The Iranian energy and nuclear complex could potentially be a serious concern. Iran makes more energy then most of the middle east. With additional energy, the people of Iran could have a better quality of life. However, many countries do not want Iran to have the ability to make a nuclear weapon. Iran and its neighbors need to have good relations, especially in a world where nuclear weapons exist. Diplomacy is the best way to prevent nuclear war. The population of Iran has suffered under sanctions, and the lifting of the sanctions with the incoming deal could alleviate the stress placed on the Iranians. Iran does not need yet another energy source. They already posses huge reserves of oil and natural gas (4th and 2nd most in the world, respectively). They could easily make enough energy for their entire population. However, if Iran had more energy, they could potentially sell it to other Middle Eastern countries for a profit. This definitely impacts the United State's relations with Iran, which is potentially the most important part of this. If America can change an enemy into an ally in the volatile Middle East, the Western world could benefit greatly.

  • US - Iran relationship
  • Impacts of Iran having more energy
  • Iran's citizens
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Iran's relations with surrounding countries